Contact Me
I am always interested in connecting with new people. Since it is still customary (for the moment anyway), I have included my university mailing address and office phone number. However, if you want to begin a dialog about the material on this website, please email me.
Alecea Standlee, Ph.D.
Department of Sociology
Gettysburg College
Glatfelter Hall 111B
Campus Box 412
300 North Washington Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Office Phone: (717) 337-6194
Email: |
Online Social Networks
Anyone who spends time online develops a web sphere, a kind of social and cultural space in which he/she articulates, re-articulates and performs their individual sense of self. I have been navigating the streams of the Internet for over 25 years and as such I have carved out my own little sphere. Below are the professional online communities that I am active in. I currently do not have my profiles listed as public so if you want to be my friend, just let me know! • Gettysburg College • (717) 337-6194